Join us on this Puppiezo and let us bring you a lifetime of
puppy kisses!
Join us on this Puppiezo and let us bring you a lifetime of
puppy kisses!
A Puppiezo is a joyous moment. Adopting a puppy should be the same!
No Puppy Mill Pledge
We have zero tolerance toward puppy mills and pride ourselves in connecting you with honest and reputable breeders where puppies are raised with love and compassion.
Health Guarantee
As fellow puppy owners, we know the importance of having a happy and healthy puppy. Every puppy is backed by our comprehensive health guarantee..
Fight Puppy Scams
Puppiezo guarantees you with 100% certainty that you will NOT be scammed using our services
Take your time to explore our selection of pets and choose the one that best suits your preferences and lifestyle. Consider factors such as breed, size, temperament, and compatibility with your family.
Book a Pet
20% Payment: Once you have selected your desired pet, proceed to book them by making a payment of 20% of the total adoption fee. This payment confirms your commitment to the adoption process and secures the availability of the pet.
Physical Examination of Pet
Before finalizing the adoption, our dedicated team will conduct a thorough physical examination of the pet. This examination ensures breed certainty, evaluates the bone structure, and assesses the overall health and well-being of the pet. We want to ensure that you are receiving a pet that meets your expectations and is in optimal condition.
Veterinary Exam of Pet
As part of our commitment to the health and well-being of our pets, each one undergoes a comprehensive veterinary examination. This examination includes a thorough assessment of their overall health, vaccination records, and any necessary medical treatments. The pet will receive all required vaccinations and be issued a health certificate to ensure their well-being.
Pay 50%
After the physical and veterinary examinations are successfully completed, a payment of 50% of the total adoption fee is required to proceed with the adoption process. This payment is a step towards completing the financial commitment for adopting your pet.
Once the necessary payments are made, we will coordinate the delivery process. Our team will ensure a safe and comfortable journey for your new pet. Delivery options will be discussed and finalized, taking into account your location and preferences.
Pay Balance
Prior to the delivery or at the time of receiving your pet, the remaining balance of the adoption fee must be paid. This payment completes the financial transaction and ensures a smooth handover of your pet.
Receive Pet
Once the balance payment is made, you will be ready to welcome your new furry friend into your home. We will provide you with all necessary documentation, including vaccination records, health certificates, and any additional paperwork related to the adoption. Enjoy the joyous moment of meeting your new pet and embarking on a lifelong companionship.
Thinking about bringing home a new pets?
As you dream about all the fun you’ll have when bringing home your new pets, you’re filled with excitement and hope…but now what? Here are some factors to consider before a pets becomes your lifelong companion.